Which circumstances concerning the environment cause people the biggest problem?


When it comes to the environment, what do people worry about the most?

According to the GfK research agency, which asked more than 65 000 respondents in 24 countries, people around the world are most concerned about climate change (16%), plastic pollution (15%) and water pollution (11%).

In its detailed research into ecology and environment, GfK surveyed 40 091 respondents in 11 countries and asked them to evaluate the five most problematic ecology and environmental issues. 70% of the respondents in 11 countries (the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Sweden) mentioned plastic waste as the biggest problem, which came first on the list. 59% of the respondents considered climate change the second biggest problem of ecology and environment, while third on the list was water pollution with 51% .

There is an interesting comparison between the Czech Republic and Slovakia. While both countries identically named plastics pollution the biggest problem, they were no longer in agreement about the second one. Whereas households in the Czech Republic are worried about water shortages, in Slovakia, it was water pollution that came in second. Third on the list came water pollution in the Czech Republic and climate change in Slovakia.

Consumers call for shared responsibilities for managing and reduction of plastic waste

GfK asked Czech and Slovak households who they thought should take responsibility for management and reduction of plastic waste. 91% of Czech households and 95% of Slovak households replied that it should be the manufacturers' responsibility. Second on the list came retail which 75% of Czech households consider responsible. On the other hand, 75% of Slovak households think that customers should be responsible for the reduction of plastic waste.

Almost in all countries manufactures are considered the most responsible for management and reduction of plastic waste; retailers are regarded as the least responsible for decrease of plastic waste

GfK asked respondents in 11 countries to name those who they think most responsible for management and reduction of plastic waste. In all countries, apart from Russia (it voted for the responsibility of government and politics), respondents answered unanimously that the manufactures should take their responsibility. Second on the list came the responsibility for government and politics. Third on the list were buyers, then retailers.

How should households eliminate plastics?

The Czech households consider plastic food covers the biggest problem, followed by plastic produce bags and shopping bags and third on the list came disposable plastic beverage bottles.

To the question what could help to reduce plastic waste, Czech and Slovak households mentioned other packaging material for example glass or paper, or reduction of the amount of plastics used for goods packaging. Another idea for reduction of plastics was using recyclable plastics. 32% of Czech and 29% of Slovak households were in favor of the system of refundable deposit of plastic bottles.

Which country restricts the usage of plastics the most?

Which countries are the most active when it comes to the reduction of plastics? The highest share (selection of 11 countries) of active restrictors of plastics is in Austria, whereas the least active people can be found in Russia. The Czech Republic is located on the lower scale of active plastic restrictors. We still have a long road ahead of us.

Source: GfK Czech, s.r.o