
Curiosities from the nontoxic plastic world

Which circumstances concerning the environment cause people the biggest problem?


When it comes to the environment, what do people worry about the most?

Plastic, paper or cotton bag? Which one is the best? The answer will surprise you.


Plastic, paper or cotton bag? Which of them is the most environmentally friendly? The answer will surprise you. Each of these bags has its pros and cons. Let's take a look at what impacts different types of bags have on the environment.

Recycling fraud


Consumer fraud is an investigative documentary series that shows how horrific the impacts that result from negligence and cheating in the production and promotion of popular consumer goods could be. One episode of the Netflix series is Recycling Fraud, which shows how plastic recycling is handled around the globe and what happened after China stopped being the recycling bin of the world in 2017.

SoluRAB is among the finalists in the Katerva Awards in the Energy & Environment category


SoluRAB is among the finalists in the Katerva Awards in the ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT category. This award is considered the Nobel Prize for Sustainability. The Katerva Awards ranked SoluRAB among the finalists for 2020. The list of finalists for the Energy & Environment category can be found here.

7 tips on how to reduce plastics while you travel


Due to our wasteful behavior, we have polluted our planet with plastic. Plastics are found not only in rivers and seas, but because they disintegrate into smaller and smaller particles (microplastics), also in aquatic animals, which we then consume.

7 reasons to stop using classic plastic bags and small plastic bags


Although they aren't as common as before, there are still many plastic bags in our lives. The plastic bag is offered by the vast majority of stores and disposable plastic bags are freely available for almost every vegetable, fruit or pastry, often offered as the only one alternative. We use these bags as a matter of course, they are an essential part of our modern and comfortable life.

SoluRAB has been approved for contact with food!


SoluRAB has been certified by the National Institute of Public Health and it has been approved for contact with food.

SoluRAB - solution of the plastic crisis


The main goal of SoluRAB material is to completely eliminate all single-use plastic bags. We use 5 trillions (5 000 000 000 000) of these single-use plastic bags every year. 70 % of those end up in our environment. 350 million end up in the land where they will slowly decompose for the next 500 years.